Mexican Republic HQ

(+52) (55) 5293 9308

Central America and the Caribbean HQ

(+502) 3025 0709





Live the learning digital experience!

Fill out the form and our team will contact you shortly. But thats not all! You will also receive in your e-mail a Training Needs Diagnosis (TND) Program totally FREE OF CHARGE, so together we can make your business projects grow towards digital transformation with the best strategy in the market.


Thank you for trusting apithy. We are in touch!


Our mission is to be your strategic ally so you can achieve your training goals. Leave us your information!


Hello! We welcome you to the apithy ecosystem

We are the all-in-one solution to bring the internal training of your company to the digital model, fully gamify your onboarding processes, and increase the productivity of your organization in record time.

We put at your disposal the best edu-digital tools and practices to enhance the talent of your team, certify skills, improve abilities, and implement new work processes with all your know-how at low cost.



Hundreds of competitives advantages at the click of a button

Make it easy, fast and effective with apithy



Less time

And investment than a face-to-face training program of e-learning strategy offers the apithy model based on Digital Learning Strategies.


Improve the results

In performance evaluations with the edu-digital apithy methodology based on a certified andragogy scheme and asynchronous training.


More agile & faster

It's the implementation of training programs with apithy thanks to our IT Development and Editorial Content Production methodology.


Source: apithy Study Case applied to 300 people between 18 and 70 years old in the manufacturing sector


"Let's face the

challenges together"


"At apithy we understand the new generations and offer them the right motivation to learn.


We also understand the generations that are already established in the labor market and motivate them trough strategies such as micro, video and game-based learning, as well as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, etc.


Our mission it's to revolutionize the learning processes to cultivate the innate capacity of the human being to learn and, together with you, we will achieve it!".

Carlos Blé

apithy CEO & Cofounder


"Let's make the training

process a whole success"


"Through apithy, we enable companies, universities and trainers with a new scheme for their businesses to grow.


We will help you execute your onboarding, certification and induction processes without depending on physical spaces, taking your training structure to a digital model, 100% scalable and with absolute 24x7 availability.


Our goal is that everyone in your organization can have access to continuously prepare themselves, day by day, to define and exceed any type of challenges".

Yucari Medellín

apithy CMO & Cofounder


We always enjoy helping our

customers with apithy Business!


That's why we present you with the new way to train your work teams, triple the productivity and improve knowledge retention rates among your staff with all our tips and business strategies.




Mexican Republic HQ

(+52) (55) 5293 9308

Central America and the Caribbean HQ

(+502) 3025 0709



We are here to help you revolutionize your business


Now you have everything you need to achieve full business success; receive all the strategies, trends, development plans and best practices to trigger the expansion of your company.

apithy - Live the learning digital experience!